Room Transfers

In-Semester Room Transfers

We understand that sometimes your new residence community or roommates/suitemates just don't "click". If you are experiencing challenges in your assigned community or suite, please contact your Resident Assistant or your Residence Life Manager

Once you have moved into your residence community, we typically wait our residence communities to engage before taking action. In many cases, we find that the overwhelming experience of moving to campus, orientation, establishing networks, and starting into the routine of attending your classes contributers to this request. By the end of the second week we have found the urgency for a room transfer is no longer an issue. However, if you feel that your current location is not working for you, please contact us.

To submit a room transfer request please email to request a room transfer.

Please Note: Transfer Requests can only be granted when and where vacancies exist within our residence. In emergency situations, transfer requests will be considered prior to September 28 - please contact your Residence Assistant or Residence Manager in situations that require direct intervention.